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Lectures/Manage Halls and Manage Medals 

The system allows us to add Halls to the platform and add Medals for students by using the teacher’s account through the system administrator’s account, thus following these steps: 

  1. Click on the Courses Management drop-down from the sidebar menu.
  1. Click on the Lectures button to move to the lectures screen.
  1. The lectures screen contains different tabs (Add – Add Bulk lectures – Manage TimeSlots – Schedules – Alternative Teacher – Other Actions). 
  1. Click on the Other Actions dropdown list to display Manage Halls and Manage Medals. 
  1. Click on the Manage Halls button. 
  1. The system moves to the main screen for manage halls. 
  1. The screen contains a tab for creating a new hall, a search engine for hall where you can search by hall title, and also contains a table showing all halls on the platform. 
  1. Click the Create New Hall button. 

• Add the appropriate title for the hall in the designated field. 

• Add the appropriate student capacity for the classroom. 

• After finishing, click the Submit button to create the hall. 

  1. We can return to the main page for lectures
  1. Click on the Other Actions drop-down list. 
  1. Click on the Manage Medals button. 
  1. The system moves to the main screen for managing medals. 
  1. The screen contains a tab for creating a new medal, a search engine for medals where you can search by medal title, and also contains a table showing all medals on the platform. 
  1. Click the Create New Medals button. 
  1. Add the appropriate title for the medal in the designated field. 
  1. Select the school associated with the medal. 
  1. Click the Upload File button to upload the school logo associated with the medal. 
  1. After finishing, click the Submit button to create the medal the operation has been completed successfully.