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SMS is used to send a text message to users on their mobile phones if the user has this service available in his/her account.

Note: You must make sure that the mobile numbers of the users to whom the text message will be sent are in their account information.

To Send an SMS: #
  1. Click SMS from the main menu. 
  2. Select a message template to use. (These templates are created by the system administrator.)
  3. Select the category to which you will send the SMS. (You can search for the user you want by name in the Search Filter box.)
  4. All users of the category you selected show in the All column.
  5. Click the + icon next to the users you want to move to the Selected Users column. If you want to send the SMS to all users, click the + icon next to the All cell.
  6. Click next to a user in the Selected Users column to remove
  7. Click Send to send your message.

Note: You will not be able to send any messages if the school does not have enough credit
or the user’s phone number is incorrect