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Edit Profile

2 min read

This is the main page on which you can edit your personal profile.

At the top of the page, you will see your profile picture and your username. You can click on your image to upload a new profile picture. You can also check what your public profile looks like, and manage what should be published here from the Public Profile Settings tab.

Then, you will find several tabs for you to choose from.

Account settings: #

ClassLight offers an advanced option. It can speak to, welcome, and talk to you via voice commands. You can allow/disallow a welcome message by checking the corresponding box.

ClassLight also allows you to add your Zoom account and reset your Zoom account password. Be careful, do not disconnect your account or reset it unless you had been asked to by your school admin, or you forgot your password.

In addition, ClassLight allows you to link your account with Google Drive.

Note: All your Google Drive files will be linked with the ClassLight account. 

You also can set voice commands sound. You can orally order ClassLight to reach the required pages. All you need to do is click the Set Sound tab.

When you are finished editing your account settings, click Save to update your edits.

Contact Info: #

The Contact Information tab contains all the personal information you need to add to complete your personal profile.

Type your address, phone number, mobile number, email, information about yourself you want to add, and social media accounts, each in its right box.

Note: You need to insert your Gmail or MS account to enable logging in using one of them. You will receive a red message later to verify your email.

When you are finished, click Save.