View Categories


1 min read

The Courses page allows you to add new courses and view teachers’ preparations.

Courses Page Content : #
  • The Add Course button to add a course.
  • The Assign Credit Values button to assign credit values. Some schools need this option as it is related to the final mark equation. You can assign credit values for all subjects on one page instead of adding them to each subject individually.
  • A table containing all courses in the school. In the Action column in the table, you can :
    • View, edit, and delete a course.
    • Click the small arrow to view the drop-down list where you can view all teachers’ preparation regarding this course.
To Add a Course : #
  1. Select the course category.
  2. Type a title for the course.
  3. Type the secondary language title for the course.
  4. Type the course number.
  5. Select the level for the course.
  6. Choose a course template from the drop-down list.
  7. Type the order of the course in the report card.
  8. If you are going to apply for school GPA, you need to fill in the Credit Hours option, as it’s related to the GPA equation.
  9. Add a pass mark for the course. This option is related to the student’s course failure report.
  10. Check the Hide In Grade Reports checkbox to hide the subject from the report card. 
  11. Choose an icon for your course.
  12. Click Add.