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Absences Summary Report

Through this page, you can generate an absences summary report during a specific period.

To Generate an Absences Summary Report: #
  1. Click Absences Summary.
  2. Set the starting date of your report in the From field.
  3. Set the ending date for your report in the To field.
  4. Select the type of absence.
  5. Click Search to view the report.

After you generate the report, you can send an SMS to the students and their parents.

To Send an SMS to Selected Users: #
  1. Select the template of the SMS that you want to send.
  2. Type the SMS message content.
  3. Choose whether to send the message to the selected students, or parents of the selected students in the list.
  4. Click Send to send the message. 

You also can send absence letters to students on this page.

To Send an Absence Letter to a Student: #
  1. Choose the letter template that you want to send to the student or their parents.
  2. Set the starting and ending date in the From and To fields.
  3. Specify the starting and ending limit for the number of absences in the Absence Count From and To fields.
  4. Check the checkbox if you want to include the excused absence number in the number of recorded absences.
  5. You can filter the students’ absence using the options in the list such as (Stage, Level, and Section).
  6. Click Search to send the absence letter based on the searching filter.